Hits: 1127
Here you'll find info on a whole range of issues. Sometimes you can sort out a problem on your own. But if you have a worry you can't cope with, don't bottle it up. It can really help if you talk to someone in your family, a carer, one of your friends or maybe a teacher, or you can contact ChildLine at any time.
Hits: 952
Bridge is a substance misuse programme based in Northampton but working throughout the county.
For its mentoring programme, Bridge recruits, trains and supervises volunteers who have had drug or alcohol problems themselves, or close contact with people who have. They act as mentors or support workers to clients with drug or alcohol problems.
The aim is to help them deal with their substance misuse by providing practical support in relation to social aspects which impact negatively on their lives.
Hits: 960
Northamptonshire’s Information, Advice and Support Service is a statutory service which is run at ‘arm’s length’ from the Local Authority and provides free, confidential, impartial advice, guidance and support to parents of children with special educational needs and children and young people with SEND.
It aims to promote good working relationships between children, young people, parents, education settings and the LA, whilst seeking to empower them to play an active and informed role in their child’s education.
We can support parents, carers, children and young people in a number of ways. We provide a range of flexible services which include training, access to Independent Supporters on request, referral to other statutory and voluntary agencies, access to local and national support groups, telephone support and face to face meetings.
Hits: 952
Northants Parent Forum Group (NPFG) is an independent parent-led group formed and run by volunteers to represent the views of all families of children and young people up to aged 25 with special education needs and / or disabilities (SEND) in Northamptonshire.
Hits: 875
Service Six is the premier community support charity for Northamptonshire. They support children, young people, adults and families throughout Northamptonshire.
Hits: 1056
Support for Mums (and Dads) in a busy, and sometimes lonely, world.
Hits: 1050
Support for those suffering from Domestic Abuse regardless of gender or age.
Hits: 640
Find out more about types of child abuse.